Providing Hope and Heat to Ukrainians

For months, Russia has been bombing the country of Ukraine, killing thousands of civilians and leaving millions of others in darkness and cold. The attacks have been targeted at Ukraine’s energy sector, causing power outages that are severely affecting hospitals and patients who rely on medical devices and running water to survive. Ukraine experiences cold, harsh winters and without energy, the country struggles to heat orphanages, schools, and hospitals.

With the help of our donors and our wonderful AMOR Ukraine Health Organization (AUHO) team, generators, and medical backpacks were sent to Kyiv to be distributed to hospitals and schools close to the front lines of the conflict.  These generators help keep essential facilities like hospitals, schools, water supply centers, shelters, and cellular service towers running. The AUHO team has already traveled to three locations to distribute generators to Cherkasy hospital, Khrystinovka Hospital, and Velikosevastyaniv School-lyceum. The distribution will continue throughout the month to additional orphanages and hospitals in need.

AMOR’s generous donors and partners make it possible for this struggling population to receive humanitarian support that impacts the lives of those who would are struggling to survive and keep warm. We are working together to build healthy communities worldwide.